Alice Giveaway: You Decide

So I’ve been thinking about my big Alice giveaway; do you guys like having more possible winners? Or would you rather have 2 US winners who win bigger prizes and 1 INT winner (for the Kindle book)? I kind of like the 2 bigger prizes idea (and not just because I’d save on postage).

I got to thinking. What if someone who won the movie already has the movie? But if they won the movie AND a cool book version of Alice in Wonderland and some bookmark swag stuff, wouldn’t that be better?

Let me know in the comments if you prefer 2 winners with bigger prizes, or 5 winners with smaller prizes!


Enter HERE:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. brenna says:

    both works for me, even though I know everyone likes to win so probably fewer prizes more winners?
    I liked a version of Alice in wonderland that was made in 1972. it had Peter sellers and Dudley moore.
    Prize one would be first choice, prize 2 would be second.

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