Book Blogger Hop 1-3-20

January 3rd – 9th – Do you have any New Year’s Blogging Resolutions? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

Read. Read a lot. Review the books I feel like reviewing. Don’t get bogged down with “I have to review every single thing I read” or “I have to get this post written if it kills me”. I took about two years off from blogging (and essentially from reading), and now that I’m back, I want it to be fun. I’m also doing it for marketing/networking reasons, but ultimately, I’m doing it because it’s enjoyable, not because it’s some chore I’m forcing myself to do.

What are your New Year’s Blogging Resolutions?


    • Jessica says:

      When I first started blogging I requested everything from Netgalley, and accepted most review requests. It killed me. There were so many DNF’s and now I try to only pick books I really want to read!

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