For the month of December, we’re taking a little break from Literal Book Covers to appreciate some of the absolutely gorgeous book covers of 2016! I could probably name a fabulous cover for every day this month, but I chose a a few that really stood out to me.
Let me know what covers really stood out to you in 2016!
Passenger (Passenger #1) by Alexandra Bracken
I remember seeing Passenger on NetGalley back in 2015 and immediately requesting it. (Or wishing for it; I think this was one of the first of the new “wishing” option). I love the entire composition of this cover, and I think it’s gorgeous. It definitely made me want to pick the book up right away. Also, I think it took me a while to see the boat reflection in the water. Once I saw that, I loved it even more.
Did you read Passenger this year? What do you think of the cover?
Good covers must tell a story in themselves. This cover does a fantastic job.
Ichabod Temperance recently posted…March, 2016 – New Release! A Journey of Temperance