You guys, I have been in the weirdest slump for the past two months. I have had very little interest in reading or blogging. At all. I think I’ve read MAYBE two books since April? How weird, right? I’m hoping it’s just some phase I’m going through that will be over soon. Who knows. Anyway, here are the few things that happened this month here on Ramblings on Readings!
All images linked to their respective reviews.
Book Reviews:
Movie Reviews:
This month I started my summer feature, Film Friday Flashback, where I watched old movies from my childhood (recommended by my awesome readers) and discussed what I remember, what I forgot, what I loved, and what wasn’t as exciting now as it was when I was five.
Book of the Month:
The Forgotten Mountain (The Collectors’ Society #3) by Heather Lyons
This was really the only book I read this month, but even if it hadn’t been, it probably would have been my book of the month. I adore this series, and this third installment was more intense, more romantic, more mind bending than the previous two! Plus, the ending had me 100% dying to get the next one, which is a magnificent sign of it’s awesomeness.
Check out my 5 star review of The Forgotten Mountain HERE.
What was your book of the month for June?
I LOVE the Neverending Story, OMG, it was like my childhood! Was it better the second time round? You’ve read some really good books this month! 😀
Kristin @ Simply Bookish Things recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Books I’ve Read In 2015 So Far
Wasn’t it the best? I really enjoyed the first one, but the second and third ones were quite disappointing (not surprising). The first one is super clever though!
Jessica Nicole recently posted…Book Review: Paper Towns by John Green