Literal Book Covers #2: Demons at Deadnight by A&E Kirk

I found this meme in a Book Blog Meme directory and I thought it sounded hilarious and awesome (sort of like the “honest” movie trailers?).  There it was called Cover Story, though it didn’t appear that the host was still posting. Here’s the original description:

Cover Story
Hosted by: The Violent Vixen
Description: This is Cover Story, a weekly linkup where we share the cover of a book we’ve never read and a short synopsis about what we think (or hope) the book is about. No cheating and reading the back cover or book blurb! This is totally about judging a book by its cover!

I used to pick a book on my extensive TBR list on Good Reads, therefore ensuring that I would know a lot less about the book and I would have to glean details from the cover. Another side benefit of this meme, is it lets you clear out some of your TBR books that you may not have looked at in months or years!

This week’s book is: Demons at Deadnight (Divinicus Nex Chronicles #1) A&E Kirk


Wow. It did not take long for me to get to a book I don’t recognize. I’m sure someone somewhere online recommended this book and I added it without giving it another thought.

I don’t know what it is, but something about this cover just looks Indie to me. Not that that means it’s a bad cover, it just doesn’t look as polished as a big house published book might. Also, like, what is with YA girls wearing prom dresses everywhere? If you’re descending into the seventh circle of hell, you might want to dress more practically. Like, you’re not even there yet and you’ve already caught your skirt on fire. What do you think is going to happen when you descend into that fiery pit of unwelcoming looking hands? Not good things. Certainly not prom things. That being said, I rather like the top half of this cover; I think it’s the bottom half with the fiery hands that looks Indie to me. Overall, cool concept for the entire cover, just not the best execution for the lower half.

What I think this book about (based solely on the cover, of course): Girl falls in love with the new guy at school, who just so happens to be a vampire. Or a demon. Take your pick. But he’s probably the good kind, the kind that only kills evil people. Likely he has some evil family members who will torment girl and drag her to hell to spite good vampire demon boy, where good vampire demon boy must save her, in a show of his eternal and undying (literally) love. Girl will forgive boy for being a vampire demon because he saved her from hell. 

What this book is really about:

For seventeen-year-old Aurora Lahey, survival is a lifestyle.

Aurora has the crappiest superpower on the planet. And it’s just unleashed a hit squad from hell. Demons are on the hunt, salivating to carve her carcass into confetti. ´

The Hex Boys—mysterious, hunky, and notorious for their trails of destruction—have the answers Aurora needs to survive. But their overload of deadly secrets and suspicious motives makes trusting them a potentially fatal move.

The battle to save her family, herself, and stop demonic domination may cost Aurora everything worth living for, and force her to reveal her own dark secrets. But no worries. She needs the Hex Boys to pull this off, and, chances are, teaming up with these guys will get her killed anyway.

Well that actually sounds kind of fun, and not nearly as dramatic paranormal angst as I was imagining. I’ll leave this one on the TBR to maybe pick up in the future.

What do you guys think of the cover for Demons at Deadnight? Will you be adding it to your TBR?

Literal Book Covers

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