So if you missed last week (which you can check out HERE), I talked about going to the Barbershop Harmony Society Convention in Pittsburgh during the month of June. It was a super fun time (my dad sings in a chorus from Dallas. They’re kind of a big deal *hair toss*). Anyway, this is the group, The Westminster Chorus, that won the chorus competition (chorus’ come from all over the world to compete).
I absolutely love the show Newsies. I’ve seen it twice on Broadway and twice on National Tour. I own the movie. Katherine Plummer is a dream role of mine. So when I found out Westminster was going to sing Seize the Day for their up-tempo, I was both excited and wary. Would it live up to my ridiculous Broadway expectations? Surely they would do some weird Barbershop stuff to it and it wouldn’t be as epic.
Fortunately I was wrong. My dad and I went to their rehearsal prior to the competition and were completely blown away by their rendition of the upbeat song. It was wholly engaging, epically arranged, and masterfully performed. It was so great in fact, that it won them the competition, and rightly so. You can hear the immediate reaction of the audience. We sprang out of our seats to cheer and applaud. Here is that gold medal winning performance from the chorus competition: