Saturday Shuffle #9: Happy Together

So I’m going to fangirl for the next few sentences. I apologize in advance.

Swedish Barbershop may sound like a strange concept to many Americans, but when you see these guys perform, I can bet that you will be impressed; or, if you’re like me, a little obsessed. I love Lemon Squeezy, the adorable and ridiculously talented quartet from Sweden whose good looks, thoroughly engaging stage presence and great hair make them an audience favorite. Oh, and they happen to be dang amazing singers. I honestly don’t usually fangirl over much (even celebrities, though I did meet Sutton Foster last year and I was kind of freaking out) but I fangirl so hard over these guys. It’s probably unhealthy. *shrugs* We ran into them in the airport on the way home from the Barbershop Convention and I am proud to say that I remained calm while we talked to them. I’m sure they could see the crazy in my eyes and were pleased when we left them alone.

Here’s a video of Lemon Squeezy singing “Happy Together” and it’s adorable. Enjoy!

If you liked that, go buy their cd. Seriously. It’s awesome. Here, I’ll help you out: go HERE to buy Lemon Squeezy’s awesome CD. You’re welcome.


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