Thank You and Giveaway Winners!

I just wanted to extend a special thank you to everyone who came by and participated in the Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop! I love seeing all the comments, and I am going to make my way through responding to them this week. I’m excited to add some of the books you responded with to my to-read pile!

The winners of the giveaway are:

Prize Pack #1: Nikki M.
Prize Pack #2: Robyn D.

The winners have been notified by email, and have 48 hours to respond. If they do not respond before then, I will be choosing new winners.

Congrats to the winners and I hope you all have a beautiful week! It’s pretty warm here in Texas, and I can feel Spring emerging 🙂 Is the polar vortex still plaguing anyone? Or is it spring for you guys as well?

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