Transformation Thursday: Week 3

Oh this week was SO much better. No show to worry about, lots of free time, plenty of time to sleep, very little homework…eating was definitely better this week.

So I have the metabolism of a slug. It’s unfortunate but true. I’ve been doing some research on ways to help this problem, and everyone is saying GREEN TEA. And I found a Green Tea that I liked! This was a bit of a struggle, since I’m all about super fruity or super spiced teas like Passion Tea or Chai. I am now a big fan of Tazo Bramblewine Green Tea; it tastes a lot like Tazo Passion tea, for those of you who like your tea fruity. Plus it has caffeine (but not too much!) which is great for mornings (especially since I’ve been drinking diet soda…green tea is MUCH better).

I feel like the videos are steadily getting more difficult. Ones that are repeated from earlier weeks have been getting easier to make it through. I feel like I have a lot more control rather than just sort of flopping around and hoping for the best. I only have a week left until I start what I’m calling the Big Kids Calendar, and I’m slightly terrified. I may die on day 1.

Week 3 Progress: –1.2 lbs

Favorite Video of the Week: Feel Good Soul Stretches (this has been a weekly video and I LOVE IT. Feels SO good)

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