I’m Still Here, I Promise

Most of you probably haven’t noticed the fact that I haven’t been on here much at all lately (I had a bunch of reviews already scheduled to post, so they’ve been going up regularly). I’ve been really busy for the past few months with my actual job, Musical Theatre (yay!) and when I get busy with that, all my creativity becomes appropriated to jazz hands, high notes, smiles so big they hurt, and reminding myself that professionals don’t scratch the itches on their faces while they’re onstage no matter how annoying they are.

Well, those are a few of the things I think about, anyway.

All of that is to say, I’ve been pretty absent from the blogging world for the past few months. I’ve read a whopping one book since the middle of May, and I have been loathe to even turn my computer on. A few weeks ago, I thought, “well, I made it to 2 years of blogging, maybe it’s just run its course?”. But today, I realized I just needed a break. Which is what I’ve been getting over the past month or so. So for those of you who have been commenting on my posts even though I haven’t been responding, you are goddesses of the blogging world (or gods, I suppose, if you’re a guy) and I love you all. I still read all the comments, even though I haven’t been responding and they mean the world to me!

Reader Recommends is probably going to continue on Thursdays, but with less frequency (maybe once or twice a month). I like the idea of the meme but it doesn’t seem to be super interesting to people, which is totes ok, I just don’t want to keep pushing something that isn’t beneficial to my readers.

The longer I’m out of college (I graduated in May of 2014), the more I realize how inextricably entrenched music is in my soul. I’ve always known it was vitally important to me, but I’ve discovered that recently some of the most fulfilling moments in my life have had to do with making beautiful music (and not necessarily in musical theatre *GASP*). Don’t get me wrong, I still want my career to be predominantly in Musical Theatre (though one of my dream jobs is a vocal ensemble that sings a capella music). ANYWAY, I’m going to start doing a meme on Saturdays called Saturday Shuffle (I totally stole that from someone, but I can’t remember who it was! SORRY). I also firmly believe in cultivating appreciation for actual music, not just whatever top 40’s hip hop is playing on the radio (there’s a time and place for it, sure, but it SHOULD NOT be the only thing you listen to).

Sorry. The phrase *actual* music was probably insensitive and inaccurate. I enjoy many of the top hits today. I just have a problem when that’s the only *music* people listen to and appreciate.  Like, do you even understand that THERE ARE CHORDS OUT THERE THAT WILL LITERALLY MAKE YOUR SOUL HURT THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL?


I’ll be sharing some songs that really touch my soul (I’ll probably use the phrase “so pretty it physically hurts me” quite a lot), and some that I just think are catchy. I’ll share songs I love to go running to. Broadway shows that maybe are a little more obscure, and then some that everyone knows. Songs I like to listen to when I’m preparing for my auditions. Songs I listen to when I need inspiration. You get the drill. And if this is just a shot in the void and no one cares about my opinions on music, at least I’ll get to listen to a bunch of my favorite songs while I’m writing the posts. But I hope you guys like listening to the music that feeds my soul. I hope it feeds yours as well.


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