Crown of Oblivion by Julie Eshbaugh

Lightning flashes. For a moment, the nighttime world beyond this dormitory window is as bright as if it were noon. The green hedge that hems in the yard appears, and beyond it, the gray palace wall. Then just as quickly everything’s black again, and I count under my breath.
One…Two…Three…Four…Five…Thunder rolls across the roof.
Five. The storm is almost here.
Another flash, but this time, there’s something else out there. Between the hedge and wall. A boy. I forget to count.
*ARC provided by Edelweiss/Publisher for review purposes. Check out the Blog Tour for Crown of Oblivion on November 14 here on Ramblings on Readings!

Still on the Vagabond spree! This show is so insanely good. We’ve gotten a little silly with the shootout scenes, but it doesn’t take away from the awesomeness of the rest of the show!
What are you reading this week?