Reader Recommends

Reader Recommends is a fun meme created here at Ramblings on Readings where we recommend (or warn you about!) 3 books based on certain given topics, and then 3 books we may want to read for the same reasons. This is a great way to see what other readers are enjoying in your favorite genres, or maybe find a new favorite series! We will be expanding this to include movies, tv shows, anime, musicals, Disney topics, etc! Anything goes!

 Reader Recommends


1. Pick 3 books to recommend based on the topic.

2. Pick 3 books on you TBR list that fit the topic.

3. Join the link-up and share the fun!

Upcoming Reader Recommends:

December 10: Best TV Shows of 2019

December 31: Best Books of 2019

Past Reader Recommends:


Who Needs Romance? Best Books with Little to no Romance

John Green


Throne of Glass

Ugly Cover, Great Book


Ghost Stories

Happily Ever After


The Fault in Our Stars

Have a suggestion for a topic? Email me at!

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