Today we’re talking about our favorite webtoons! This is a very new thing to me. I found the Webtoon App a few months ago and now I’m hooked on a few different comics that you should definitely be reading! Check them out below and let me know what webtoons you love!

Every romantic loves a good Persephone/Hades retelling, and Lore Olympus is a delightful take. Not only is the art interesting and original, but the story deals with a lot of interesting and very relevant topics. This was the comic that got me to download the app in the first place, and you better believe I’m checking in every time it updates on Saturday nights.

Another excellent fantasy/romance comic is Subzero, which follows two royals of warring nations who enter into an arranged marriage. Oh yes, and they can both turn into dragons. Or at least, he can. We’re not so sure about her yet…

I just discovered Cat’s Cafe this weekend, and it is just the cutest, most heartwarming cup of adorableness! I can’t believe it’s not a featured comic. It follows Cat as he runs his cafe, shares kindness with his neighbors, and follows hilarious and adorable antics of all his animal friends! The art is delightful, and the vignettes always leave you smiling. Go show this comic some love!
Miss Abbott and the Doctor by Maripaz Villar

Drawn mostly in sketched style with no color, this is probably my most anticipated webtoon every week. It follows the relationship of Cati Abbott (semi-wild girl who grew up in the Amazon) and Dr. Andreas Marino (very proper doctor) in an adorable and delightful Victorian town. I think I binged this in about a day, and now I have to wait a week for each new chapter just like everyone else. Sigh.
Purple Hyacinth by Ephemerys and Sophism

If you’re looking for a little more action/suspense, head over to Purple Hyacinth, where lie-detecting cop Lauren teams up with ruthless assassin Kieran to bring down a mysterious assassin network plaguing their city. There’s a fair amount of blood (and suspenseful music) here, but the art is exquisite and the story is suspenseful.

This one is pretty new to me, as it is just now being posted as an Original comic. The art is ADORABLE (EVERYONE IS IN CHIBI MODE ALL THE TIME) and the set up so far is really interesting. I can’t wait to see how Mint and Florette save Mint’s kingdom from whatever is cursing his land.
Honestly, it was difficult to narrow down my favorites. There are so many more, and some that are on hiatus should have been on this list (I’M LOOKING AT YOU EMPYREA AND THE DEVIL IS A HANDSOME MAN – HONESTLY YOU’VE GOT THE BEST ART ON WEBTOON) but anyway, here’s a list to get you started if you’re interested in reading! Go show these authors some love!
What webtoons do you love? Let me know in the comics what I should read next!