Rating System

I try to be honest and fair in my ratings. I am aware that some books aren’t for me, and I usually try to say that if I think the book is well written and I just didn’t like it. You’ll be able to tell if I think it’s a truly horrid book.

Review Guide


5 Stars

Run to the nearest bookstore right now and buy this book. You owe it to yourself.


4 Stars

This book is pretty awesome. Next time you’re at B&N you should pick this up.

3 Stars

If you like this genre, you’re probably going to enjoy this book. Add it to your To-Read Shelf.

2 Stars

This is probably a book that other people like, but wasn’t for me. 

1 Stars

Definitely wait till it’s at the library. Only read if dared to by your book bff. 

I’m not sure why anyone thinks this is a good book. I probably did not finish this, but I feel like I read enough of it to give it a rating. 

I couldn’t make myself finish enough of this to give it any kind of rating. 

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