Saturday Shuffle: Akdong Musician

Korea’s favorite sibling singers are back with their BRILLIANT new album ‘Sailing’! I mean, I already loved their music, but Chanhyuk really outdid himself with the writing on this new album. The entire album is a masterpiece, but this song especially is truly gorgeous. Check it out!

*Be sure to turn on English subtitles for the translation!*

“How can I learn to love the heartbreak, you’re the one I love”

Ugh. Brilliance. Chanhyuk’s writing really matured during his military service. And of course, Soohyun’s voice is incomparable. Best album of the year? Maybe so.

Have you heard Akmu’s music before? Or was this the first time you’ve listened to them? What did you think? Let me know what you’re listening to today!

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