Saturday Spotlight: Jorge Ortiz

Title: The Take Down

Series: The Take Down Trilogy #1

Author: Jorge Ortiz

Genre: Mystery

Pages: 108

Publisher: Self-Published

Good Reads Synopsis:

This is the first book in The Take Down Trilogy. In this book a boy goes missing after a nice day of playing soccer with his friends. When the disappearance of this boy has everyone giving the cold eye at Chris, the main character, he takes matters into his own hands. With the help of some of his friends they are able to formulate a plan and solve the mystery.

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About the Author: I am a Port Neches resident and I currently attend Lamar University, Beaumont. I am majoring in psychology and hope to graduate in the Fall of 2016. I graduated an National Honor Society member from Port Neches-Groves High School in 2012. In only my freshman year of college I had the privilege of obtaining membership in the Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma Honor Societies. Also in May of 2013 I also received my certificate for being accepted into the International Dean’s List Society. These are my biggest accomplishments and they are only the beginning. I have high hopes for many more achievements.

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