Tag! You’re It! Reader Problems

Thanks to Christina over at Once Untold for sharing this! I love this idea! After checking my post out, head on over to hers and show her Tag You’re It post some love!

1.) You have 20,000 books on your TBR, how do you decide what to read? – I’m a big scheduler. I have my entire year of reading scheduled out in a nice neat calendar. Usually this ends up being only vaguely followed (since things get added when new books come out and as I get approved on NetGalley and such), but since I’m doing some challenges this year that have specific dates to read certain books on, I’m trying to follow it. I also try to go from a NetGalley book to a Review Request to a book of my choice so that I’m still getting to those books that I “have” to read, but I don’t get in a reading slump if they aren’t any good.

2.) You’re halfway through a book, and hating it. Do you quit, or commit? – Some of you have heard me talk about this recently. I decided a few months ago that if I am not enjoying a book, I will slap a DNF label on it, write a short DNF review and move on. Life’s too short and too full of wonderful books to suffer through the bad ones.

3.) The end of the year is near, and you’re so close, but so far from your goodreads challenge. Do you try to catch up and how? – I haven’t had this problem. I’ve been fairly conservative about the length of my Good Reads Challenge, so I’ve hit it pretty easily. I don’t want to feel stressed or like I failed something if I don’t reach an arbitrary reading goal.

4.) The covers of a series do not match. How do you cope? – This isn’t a huge deal to me. It’s more important for the covers to look awesome, regardless of whether they match or not. If one is great and then the series gets a cover reboot and the reboot is hideous, then I’ll be a little peeved.

5.) Everyone and their mother loves a book you just didn’t love. Who do you bond with over shared feelings? – Someone on Good Reads or my blog will comment about how they felt the same way (see my review of Allegiant for an example). We then commiserate in a nice civil conversation about our mutual hatred of the book.

6.) You’re reading a book and you’re about to cry in public. How do you deal? – I don’t think this has actually happened to me. I don’t cry much in books. I think the last book I actually cried over was The Fault in Our Stars (and probably The Deathly Hallows). But usually I’ll find myself laughing and that’s mildly embarrassing but since I’m an actress, I spend most of my time embarrassing myself in front of other people anyway.

7.) A sequel of a book you love just came out, but you forgot a lot from the prior novel. Do you re-read, skip the sequel, find a summary, or just cry in frustration? – I just found this fantastic website that gives very detailed summaries and descriptions of books for this purpose! It’s called Recaptains and it’s fantastic for when you don’t want to re-read the prior books! Otherwise, I’ll go ahead and re-read a book if it’s one I remember really loving (I’m about to do so with The Mara Dyer series so I can finally read the third one).

8.) You do not want anyone borrowing your books. How do you politely tell no when they ask? – I only really have one friend that borrows books and she’s a bookworm like me and we are both very good about taking care of each others books.

9.) Reading ADD. You’ve picked up and put down 5 different books in the last month. How do you get over a reading slump? – Sometimes I’ll just take a book break. I’ll catch up on a tv show, play some video games, do things that don’t require reading. I think sometimes our brains get tired of ingesting so much information for those of us who read non-stop. So I do something mindless for a few days and then I’ll pick something I know I will absolutely love that I’ve been meaning to read.

10.) There are so many books coming out that you’re dying to read. How many do you buy? – I’ve been really really REALLY bad about this lately. I’ve bought so many books in the past few months, which is unusual for me. But I have a good library that gets most of the new YA books so I’m trying to be better about just waiting to see if they’re there. But if it’s one that I know I’m going to love (like A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas or Winter by Marissa Meyer) I will go ahead and pre-order it.

11.) After you’ve bought the books you can’t wait to get to, how long do they sit there collecting dust? – I’m so bad about this. I’ll buy books and they’ll sit on my shelf for a year, two years, and these are books I really really want to read. But then again, I want to read everything, so sometimes it’s hard for me to choose! I’m trying to be better about this as well, especially with NetGalley; I’m trying to read those BEFORE their archive/publish date. As for my choice books, I’m trying to read them as I get them (SPOILER ALERT: I’M FAILING).


Anyone interested in participating in this go right ahead! Be sure to share your link in the comments so that I can go see your answers!!


  1. Olivia says:

    I have done this tag before and I love it! Like you I am very structured when it comes to reading and next year I am going to cut back on the amount of books I buy and simply focus on buying movies instead so that I am actually closing in on that TBR. I love Recaptains!
    Olivia recently posted…Top 10: Reasons Why I Write!My Profile

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